EMP Journey Page 2
Trevor carried a flashlight into the school with him. The idiot principal was roaming the halls telling student to go to class and wait for the lights to come back on. “What a fool” muttered Mike aloud? “You got that right” added Bradley Johnson who had just wandered up “Where’s that car of yours Hoff?” asked Johnson. “Died out on the street.” Trevor responded but he could tell Brad didn’t believe him. Brad said “Let’s go try to fix it.” Trevor responded “Later, I need to find my sisters”. Another friend wandered up and told Mike his sisters were in the cafeteria. As he headed there he noticed Bradley heading to the front of the school. Trevor shined his flashlight in the darkened cafeteria and found his sisters huddled at a table by the wall. They say him and threw their arms around him. He said. “Let’s get out of here, I think Brad Johnson knows where I left my car.” “Why would that matter” said Cheryl. Sydney broke in “this is an EMP, most cars will no longer work with the computer chips fried. Trevor’s cars is older with no chips. That’s why dad made him get that car.” Trevor still could not believe it was as bad as that. He said “We don’t know if it’s an EMP, but it’s definitely strange. No other cars appear to be running. We need to get out of here.” The three reached the front of the school and Trevor saw Brad Johnson on his back under the dash of Trevor’s Mustang. Trevor yanked Brad out by his legs and said “What the hell are you doing” The surprised Johnson looked scared but covered “I was just trying to fix your car. You said it died” “Just get out of my way” Trevor said. He got his sisters in the car and started the engine. “Come on Trevor”, Brad said standing in front of the car, “just give me a ride home.” Trevor noticed a few other students had noticed the car running and started to make their way over. “Fine, get in, but we have to leave now” said Trevor. Brad climbed in and Mike peeled out to escape the crowd of students now running towards him. Brad said “good, we can’t pick up just everyone.” “There is no we Brad” Trevor responded. He pulled out of the school parking lot and headed down the road avoiding the stalled cars and panicked drivers some who were trying to flag him down. Once they had cleared the area Trevor asked “Where do you live?” ” Brad responded by pulling something out of his jacket pocket. Trevor realized Brad had a pistol in his hand. “Pull the car over and get out” snarled Brad.” Just then a cloud of dust hit Brad’s face and he dropped the gun holding his eyes in agony. As Mike stopped the car he turned and say Cheryl still holding the can of pepper spray. “Am I the only one who came to school today unarmed?” He asked aloud. He stopped the car and kicked Brad out keeping his gun. Brad yelled. “You will be sorry. I know where you live.” “Good luck finding us in the shelter” Trevor said to his sisters once they were back on the road. As they drove home Trevor had to keep serving around cars that had died on the road. Some were already deserted but most people stood outside the cars with their hoods up like somehow they knew how to fix a problems that every car appeared to have. The sound of Trevor’s mustang excited some drivers as they excitedly rushed to him to get a ride. He kept his speed up even when people grabbed at his door handles pleading for help. Fortunately no one stood in his path because Trevor didn’t think he had it in him to run people over.
Chapter Five
Mike went to the door of the storage chamber. “What do you want?” He said loudly. “Let me use your phone” a voice responded. He thought about saying he didn’t have one, but figured the speaker had heard him talking so Mike decided to tell the truth. Without opening the door he said “It’s a satellite phone and won’t work unless you’re calling someone else with the same type of phone. It does not work on cellular networks which are all fried anyways”. The voice hesitated and then responded “let me try it anyways. I need to call someone for a ride to my plane.” Mike wondered if this was a trick. He held his pistol in his hand and slid the door back a few inches. Seeing the man alone he motioned him inside. The man noticed the pistol and cringed “Please don’t hurt me I only need to get a ride.” “What kind of plane do you have?” Mike responded. “Most planes have computer chips and are as worthless as the cars on the road outside.” The, man responded “My name is Dave. I have a crop duster parked at a regional air strip 100 miles away. It does not have computer chips.” Noticing Mike’s motorcycle he said “If that runs maybe we can make a deal.” Can I try your phone? My wife is in California.” Mike handed over the phone knowing it wouldn’t work. When he got no answer Mike said “are you planning to fly all the way to California?’ Dave responded “Yes, it beats riding a motorcycle. These roads are going be a mess. Where are you headed” “My family is in Arizona, any chance of going with you? Mike responded. The man replied. “Give me a ride to my plane and I will pay you for your help” Mike replied “how are you planning to pay? Cash is soon to be worthless and your electronic payments won’t work either. If I drive you I get to come with you. I can help you get fuel at a few stops along the way. You can drop me in Arizona on your way home.” Dave said “You got a deal if you pay for the fuel.” “I don’t think anyone will be taking cash soon,” Mike responded. “But I have some Krugerands and some MREs that will soon be worth more than gold.” Mike knew as time went on airports without power may not be willing or able to provide fuel for the few working planes still flying. Mike was more than willing to use force to obtain the fuel needed, but he didn’t want to share that with Dave unless it proved necessary
Emily was preparing security bars for the inside windows when she heard Trevor’s car pull into the garage. She was about to tell him to close the door and lock it down but was surprised when they were already doing it. She noticed the look on Trevor’s grim face and said “What happened?” “A classmate pulled a gun on me and tried to take the car” said Trevor. Cheryl added happily“: but I pulled my pepper spray and sprayed his face.” Emily said are you crazy? What if he had shot one of you?” And where did you get pepper spray? Cheryl guiltily admitted “Dad wanted me to be able to protect myself.” “Me too” said Sydney pulling her pepper spray out of her purse. Emily said “Well I’m glad you’re all right but don’t use pepper spray against a man with a gun again.” Emily thought she should be mad at Mike, but he was just protecting his daughters. The whole family had firearms training and Emily had already opened the gun safe. Put your pepper spray away and get a pistol. Load it, put the safety on and keep it with you at all times. Where is Dad? Asked Trevor. Emily replied somewhere between here and Houston. On his motorcycle and getting home as fast as he can. Trevor Why is he on his motorcycle? He should take a plane.” Emily responded. “This is what your father warned us about. We have been hit by an EMP. Your father was in the plane but it had not taken off. Planes in the air are likely to crash.” Sydney, who had studied EMPs with her father said “That’s going to be really dangerous. The roads will soon be full of desperate people who would love to get an EMP free vehicle, even a motorcycle.” “If there’s one man who can handle it’s your father” replied Emily. “Now help me secure the windows with security plates.”
Chapter Six
Mike and Dave took off on Mike’s motorcycle. Dave’s crop-duster was on a private airstrip off a dirt road near Sealy Texas. The two originally tried to take Interstate 10 but large groups of people had finally figured out their cars were worthless and were walking home. When one group tried to push him off the bike, Mike veered off the highway. He went about a mile and found a residential street fairly clear of stalled vehicles. Because the street roughly paralleled the interstate and was headed west Mike figure he could stay on this street until it ended. It had been 12 hours since the EMP hit, and it was getting dark. The pair stopped to consider their choices. Mike said he was wired and was good to drive all the way to Sealy even if they had to drive through the night. Dave said “I don’t think I can find the turnoff to the airstrip at night. If we can get out of town I know places where we can rest up and leave again at first light.” Mike didn’t know if he could trust Dave, but was not planning on sleeping if that was his plan. The two
pulled off the road and found a secure camping spot where they could hide the bike and rest up. Mike shared MREs with Dave and the two men talked about their families. Mike also shared what he knew about the EMP and how long it would take the country to recover. Dave was skeptical of Mike’s assessment that this was going to be long range problem. Although he hadn’t planned on sleeping Mike nodded off. When he work up at dawn Dave was gone.
Dave did not want Mike to come with him on his trip. He didn’t trust the man and did not think he would be much help on the trip. He decided to leave in the middle of the night when Mike fell asleep. He would leave the motorcycle since Mike had the keys in his pocket and he did not want to wake him. The airstrip was only a 5 mile walk from the spot they were camped at. He appreciated Mike getting him closer but it was not worth sharing his plane especially since had no talents Dave would need. What Dave didn’t know was that Mike was a former Air Force pilot. He could fly the crop duster without problems if it came to that. Mike also had military training with skill sets in shooting and tactical operations. With Mike’s military service and his weapons, gold, and prepper supplies in his bugout bag He could be invaluable to Dave’s chances. Dave did not own weapons. He was assuming he could fly into airports and buy fuel on his way home. He was sure power would be on at the airports he needed to stop at. He was not a pacifist but he was not prepared for the breakdown of law and order that Mike knew would follow the EMP. Dave had some misgivings because if Mike was right about half of what he had said he might actually need his help.
Mike was mad at himself for falling asleep and letting Dave sneak off. At least he had not taken the bike or any of his supplies other than a couple of MREs. Mike got out his map of Texas and located the airstrip he believed Dave was heading to. Because Dave was on foot Mike thought should be able to catch him if he didn’t have too much of a head start. As Mike approached the airstrip Dave was not in sight and he heard several voices. Mike parked the bike and covered it with scrub. He grabbed his weapons and moved up where he could observe the area. The plane was not under the tarp where Dave said he had left it a week ago. Instead it was halfway inside a ramshackle hanger. Two people were working on the plane probably trying to figure out why it would not start. Mike noticed Dave watching the area from a closer location. He crept up to Dave who jumped up with a start when he noticed Mike. “Get down” Mike commanded quietly “what’s going on?” Dave said “They are trying to steal my plane. I am sorry for leaving you. I thought it would be easy to get my plane and did not feel I needed help. If you help me get my plane back you can come with me.” Mike said “Fine, I will help you get you plane back and then we can part ways. You don’t owe me anything and it is your plane. Are they going to be able to start it?” Dave responded “Even if they find my kill switch they will have to find a distributor cap” he opened his backpack and pulled out the part. “I disable my plane when I will be away. They are not hard to start without keys, but without the correct parts thieves are screwed.” Mike pulled out a pair of binoculars and noticed a distributor cap lying next to the open engine cowling “it looks like they found the part” Mike replied. Mike then handed Dave the pistol and grabbed the rifle for himself. “Can you shoot” Mike asked Dave, Dave responded “I have hunted, but I’ve never shot at people” Mike said “We may not have to but if they reach for weapons, you have to take them out. Aim for the body mass and not the head. If you hesitate, they will shoot first. If they surrender, we will let them live, but you cannot count on that.” Dave said “I will hold them at gunpoint, but I am not sure I can shoot them.” Mike was exasperated. “You asked for my help and you need it. Those men are armed and will shoot you and steal your plane. If you won’t back me up I will leave now because you will putting me in danger as well” “I am sorry” Dave responded. If they pull guns on us I will shoot first. But we should try to tie them up and leave in the plane” Mike was not sure about Dave but he needed to help the man out. He would never be able to retrieve the plane on his own. He also thought that Dave might be OK with him coming along. From the looks of things law and order was already being ignored. He showed Dave how to operate the pistol and told him his plan.
Mike and Dave circled the hanger from behind a stand of trees. They then quietly walked up the side of the building. Mike whispered “when we announce ourselves you take the guy closest to the door and I will confront the larger man working on the engine.” On a silent count of three Mike and Dave quickly rounded the corner of the hanger. Mike said in a loud commanding voice “Freeze! Slowly raise your hands and no one has to get hurt today.” The big man Mike had his rifle trained on growled “What are you doing this is private property.” From the other side of the plane Dave responded “No it’s not, this is a public hanger used only by people that pay rent for the airstrip. And this is my plane you’re working on.” Mike was about to tell Dave not to converse with these men, by he was too late. A shot rang out on the other side of the plane and Mike heard Dave cry out in pain. Thinking that Mike was distracted, the man on his side grabbed a rifle he had leaning against the plane and attempted to swing it toward Mike. Mike’s military training kicked in, He put 2 shots in the body and then 1 shot in the head of his attempted assailant and then rolled under the plane to look for Dave’s attacker.
Dave was lying on the ground with a gunshot wound to the leg. The gunman was not in sight. “Where did he go” Mike asked. Dave grunted in pain “to the back” Mike wanted to tend to Dave’s injury, but with the gunman still in the building he didn’t have a chance. Mike took cover behind a metal tool chest and pulled Dave’s prone body behind the cover as well. The gunman took some errant shots which bounced harmlessly off the side of the tool chest. Mike had noticed where the muzzle flashes originated and found the gunman behind a corner peering out. Mike told Dave to keep pressure on his would and stay where he was. He then backed up carefully and headed around the plane to approach the shooter from the rear. The gunman didn’t notice Mike had changed position and kept firing at the tool chest. His head was exposed while he shot wildly. Mike set his rifle, sighted where the man’s head had last appeared and slowed his breathing so he could lock in on the location. When the man peered out again he was still in the same location. Mike squeezed the trigger and the man’s head exploded.
Mike moved back to Dave. He was bleeding but had put pressure on the wound. Mike noticed that the bullet had missed major arteries, and had in fact exited the leg, Mike cleaned it up and ran back to the bike to get the medical supplies from his bugout bag, He stitched and bandaged up Dave’s leg. To his credit he did not cry out in pain even when mike put in sutures without anesthesia “It’s no use” Dave said, I can’t fly the plane with my leg like this.” Mike said “I will pilot the plane” In reponse to Dave’s astonished look Mike said “I used to fly F-15s in the Air Force. I should be able to handle a plane like this” Dave said “You’re full of surprises, I want to thank you for saving my life. I’m sorry I tried to leave you and I’m sorry let that man get the drop on me. It won’t happen again.” “Don’t worry about it” Mike said. “Let’s get this plane on the way. With any luck we will be back with our families in a few days.” Mike realized of course that Dave was in no shape to fly. He wanted to convince him to recuperate at his house in Arizona before heading to California but decided to bring it up later. With Dave’s limited help Mike arranged a ramp to move the motorcycle into the service bay of the plane where pesticide usually was carried, it was a tight fit bit after removing one wheel he forced the bike in and tied it down so it didn’t move around. Dave said “Why are you even keeping that? Won’t the plane be enough?” Mike replied. “You never can tell what might happen. We might need this later, or if not it would help back at home.”
Chapter Seven
Emily had no time to worry about Mike with all the things needed to prepare the house for the days ahead. It will be a few days before most of their neighbors realized the power was not coming back on. A short time later most pe
ople are going to run out of food and clean water. The average family keeps less than a week’s worth of food in the house and a lot of that is frozen. With the power out the frozen food In Emily’s house went into the deep freezer in her bottom basement. They were also running the quietest generator they owned on the patio. They could still microwave frozen meals and electronics out of the Faraday box could be kept fully charged. The generator was fairly silent and her neighbors were 50 yards away but Emily was afraid someone would hear the sound and shut it off when not using it. With no engines or air conditioners running the sound from the quiet generator seemed deafening. That freezer ran on liquid nitrogen and did not need a power supply. Most people did not possess that kind of freezer and most did not have generators either. Emily knew that in a few days neighbors might come to her doors looking for food. Because it was a semi-rural area Mike had managed to construct the basements using labor from other preppers that he also helped with their own defenses and structures. Outside the family the only people that new about the basements were tight knit groups of preppers that would never divulge the information. If people came to the door asking for food. Emily was going to politely but firmly turn them away. She felt horrible doing that to neighbors, but if people realized the family had food reserves they would be a target. If they started giving out food eventually they would have to stop and then people might try to start taking the food by force. They also secured the main floor of the house against intruders. Metal plates covered all the windows from the inside of the house. The front and back doors were already heavily fortified with metal frames secured to the foundation of the house. Emily had the children bring the metal securing bars from the garage. They did not insert the bars yet, but kept them by the doors for future use.